Plastic Arts, Performance, Curating, Cultural Programming, Cultural Production, Cultural Communication, Graphic Design.
Performance “Ontological Collective Tiredness”, Olhares do Mediterrâneo Festival - Casa do Comum
As part of the satellite Visual Arts Programme curated by Alexia Alexandropoulou (GR), (Lisbon, Portugal)
As part of the satellite Visual Arts Programme curated by Alexia Alexandropoulou (GR), (Lisbon, Portugal)
Performance “no thanks, I can do it”, Casa Museu Teixeira Lopes
As part of the parallel performance program integrating the exhibition “Jaime Isidoro and Vila Nova de Gaia: 50 years after the 1st International Art Meeting”, Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT), (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal)
As part of the parallel performance program integrating the exhibition “Jaime Isidoro and Vila Nova de Gaia: 50 years after the 1st International Art Meeting”, Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT), (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal)
Interpreter in “O AR É DE TODOS” by Guilherme de Sousa and Pedro Azevedo (BLUFF)
Produced by Teatro Universitário do Porto, in Fernando Távora Auditorium (Porto, Portugal)
Produced by Teatro Universitário do Porto, in Fernando Távora Auditorium (Porto, Portugal)
Performance “dear eestimaa”, Copperleg Art Residency - Rae Koolimaja
(Vaskjala, Estonia)
(Vaskjala, Estonia)
Collective Exhibition “A Possibilidade de uma Ilha”, Polo das Gaivotas + Fábrica da Creatividade + Galleri Artsight
Curatorship: Terceira Pessoa (PT) and Darling Desperados (SE); (Lisbon and Castelo Branco, Portugal + Stockholm, Sweden)
Curatorship: Terceira Pessoa (PT) and Darling Desperados (SE); (Lisbon and Castelo Branco, Portugal + Stockholm, Sweden)
Performance at collective exhibition “Perspetiva 24”, Museum of the Art Cerveira Biennial
Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT) and João Ribas (PT); (Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal)
Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT) and João Ribas (PT); (Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal)
Performance at paralell program of the collective exhibition “(Un)Common Proximity”, Galeria Bello-Galesterer
Curatorship: Alexia Alexandropolou (GR ), (Lisbon, Portugal)
Curatorship: Alexia Alexandropolou (GR ), (Lisbon, Portugal)
Collective exhibition “MNEMOSYNE”, AL859 Artspace
(Porto, Portugal)
(Porto, Portugal)
Multimedia performance, DES/ORIENTE
Curatorship: Rachel Merlino (BR) and Laís França (BR); (Porto, Portugal)
Curatorship: Rachel Merlino (BR) and Laís França (BR); (Porto, Portugal)
Collective exhibition “Lifeline”, Young Municipal Gallery
(Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal)
(Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal)
Collective exhibition “FoMe XI”, A Gráfica
(Setúbal, Portugal)
(Setúbal, Portugal)
Performance and land-art installation, Geografía Poética
Curatorship: Holga Méndez (ES) and Belén Díez (ES); (Teruel, Spain)
Curatorship: Holga Méndez (ES) and Belén Díez (ES); (Teruel, Spain)
Site-specific installation “line between us [knots]”, Gallery of Sociedade de Instrução Guilherme Cossoul
Curatorship: Andreia César (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Curatorship: Andreia César (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Collective exhibition “Small Formats” at Galeria Monumental
(Lisbon, Portugal)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
Collective exhibition “Young Creators National Showcase”, Fórum Municipal Romeu Correia
(Almada, Portugal)
(Almada, Portugal)
Intervention in public space, Zigurfest festival
Curatorship: João Pedro Fonseca (PT);(Lamego, Portugal)
Curatorship: João Pedro Fonseca (PT);(Lamego, Portugal)
Performance and Installation, Futureless Festival
Curatorship: Paola Torres Núñez del Prado (PE); (Stockholm, Sweden)
Curatorship: Paola Torres Núñez del Prado (PE); (Stockholm, Sweden)
Collective Exhibition “Blind Date”, Fábrica Braço de Prata (promoted by LisbonWeek)
Curatorship: Filipa Oliveira (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Curatorship: Filipa Oliveira (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Intervention in public space, LisbonWeek festival
Curatorship: Filipa Oliveira (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Curatorship: Filipa Oliveira (PT); (Lisbon, Portugal)
Collective Exhibition “We shall go to the Future” at Zet Gallery
Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT); (Braga, Portugal)
Curatorship: Helena Mendes Pereira (PT); (Braga, Portugal)
Performance and Installation “BIO-eˉlektron”, eˉlektron
(Tallinn, Estonia)
(Tallinn, Estonia)
Collective Exhibition "RESIDENTES", Largo Residências
(Lisbon, Portugal)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
Collective Exhibition "Space, Time, Matter", Estação Sul e Sueste (Convent Madre de Deus da Verderena)
Curatorship: Frederico Vicente (PT); (Barreiro, Portugal)
Curatorship: Frederico Vicente (PT); (Barreiro, Portugal)
Collective Exhibition “Soft Narratives”, EKA Gallery (EKA)
Curatorship: Varvara Guljajeva (EE); (Tallinn, Estonia)
Curatorship: Varvara Guljajeva (EE); (Tallinn, Estonia)
Collective Exhibition "TASE" at Vent Space Gallery
(Tallinn, Estonia)
(Tallinn, Estonia)
Collective Exhibition "SEM RETORNO" at OMuseu (FBAUP)
Curatorship: Luís Nunes (PT); (Porto, Portugal)
Curatorship: Luís Nunes (PT); (Porto, Portugal)
Art Residency, Copperleg Art Residency
(Vaskjala, Estonia)
(Vaskjala, Estonia)
Art Residency, Órbita#5 - Festival Súbito (at Galeria Aartes and Sekoia Performative Arts)
(Porto, Portugal)
(Porto, Portugal)
Art Residency, Geografía Poética
(Teruel, Spain)
(Teruel, Spain)
Art Residency, (DES)ORIENTE
(Porto, Portugal)
(Porto, Portugal)
Art Residency, ZONA Lamego
(Lamego, Portugal)
(Lamego, Portugal)
Art Residency, LisbonWeek
(Lisbon, Portugal)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2021 > 2022
Curatorial Residency, Largo Residências
(Lisbon, Portugal)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2021 > 2022
Art Residency, STARTS.EE
Tallinn, Estonia)
Tallinn, Estonia)
Art Residency, Vent Space Gallery
(Tallinn, Estonia)
(Tallinn, Estonia)
2022 > CURRENT
Member of KAIRÓS Network of Young Researchers
International network of young researchers on behalf of responsible social and educational transformation
Production Director at Diana Policarpo’s sound installation project “ALEA” (co-produced with LEHMANN+SILVA Gallery)
At the Livraria Lello Foundation - Leça do Balio Monestery (Porto, Portugal)
At the Livraria Lello Foundation - Leça do Balio Monestery (Porto, Portugal)
2021 > 2024
Co-founder of Project, Research & Curating Collective Mais Uno +1 Collective working with experimental, transdisciplinary, participatory and situated art practices, (Lisbon, Portugal)
2021 > 2023
Mentor of Educational Activities at: Castelo d’If’s Children’s Illustration Fair, Prisma Studios LX Sociedade de Instrução Guilherme Cossoul, and Pátio da Juventude - Câmara Municipal Vila Franca de Xira,
(Lisbon and Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal)
(Lisbon and Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal)
2022 > 2023
Co-founder of Portal Ecosystem
Artistic ecosystem that generates local resources and infra-structures to support artists. (Lisbon, Portugal)
Artistic ecosystem that generates local resources and infra-structures to support artists. (Lisbon, Portugal)
2022 > 2023
Team Member of Artists Anonymous Meetings
Artist community focused in sharing and supporting others in their art practice, (Porto & Lisbon, Portugal)
Artist community focused in sharing and supporting others in their art practice, (Porto & Lisbon, Portugal)
2021 > 2022
Co-founder of Mart's Garage Open-Artist ResidenceBi-monthly open residency at artist Mart Veelma's studio and garage exploring spontaneity and different dynamics of relation between space, materials and others, (Tallinn, Estonia)
“Artist of the month” at the "Art & Craft" group in Residências Refúgio
Organizing weekly workshops in silkscreen print and collage for a group of local artists, migrants and refugees; planning and producing a line of commercial products based on the outcomes (Lisbon, Portugal)
Organizing weekly workshops in silkscreen print and collage for a group of local artists, migrants and refugees; planning and producing a line of commercial products based on the outcomes (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019 > 2021
Gallery Guard at EKA Gallery
Tasks: organizing, providing information, assisting sales, and occasional support at exhibitions and performances (Tallinn, Estonia)
Tasks: organizing, providing information, assisting sales, and occasional support at exhibitions and performances (Tallinn, Estonia)
AGO 2020
& JUN 2021
& JUN 2021
Installing Assistant at EKA Gallery
Tasks: assisting with exhibition mounting at the TASE festival (Tallinn, Estonia)
Tasks: assisting with exhibition mounting at the TASE festival (Tallinn, Estonia)
2019 > 2020
Organizing Team Member at Vent Space Gallery
Estonian Academy of Arts' student-run gallery (Tallinn, Estonia) / Tasks: Gallery Managing, Event Organization, Curating, Communication & Social Media
Estonian Academy of Arts' student-run gallery (Tallinn, Estonia) / Tasks: Gallery Managing, Event Organization, Curating, Communication & Social Media
Scenography for Interdisciplinary Performance Project Rings at the performative arts festival MiniCOMMUTE#2
Interdisciplinary performance project combining textiles, choreography, music composition and technology, (Tallinn, Estonia)
Interdisciplinary performance project combining textiles, choreography, music composition and technology, (Tallinn, Estonia)
Performance/Choreography for “Ocupação do Chão Corpóreo” by Marília Costa
Performative-drawing project exploring the relationship between space and body by using movement to map biographic spaces, (Porto, Portugal)
Freelance Graphic Designer
Relevant clients: Aare Carpet Design, UNDO Design Studio, Serralves Foundation, Muratto, S-E Atelier, Porto’s Film Club
Relevant clients: Aare Carpet Design, UNDO Design Studio, Serralves Foundation, Muratto, S-E Atelier, Porto’s Film Club
2015 > 2015
Editorial Design Curricular Intern at Non-Verbal Club
(Porto, Portugal) / Tasks: Conceptualization, content curating, editing and editorial design of a mockup Magazine
(Porto, Portugal) / Tasks: Conceptualization, content curating, editing and editorial design of a mockup Magazine
Speaker at First Meeting of the Kairós Young Researchers Network (UNAM — National Autonomous University of Mexico)Presenting the artistic research “Common Body: voice and movement as tools to create accessibility within Contemporary Art”
Invited speaker at HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design (University of Gothemburg)Presenting the project “mais uno +1” for the Masters program in Curating and Comissioning Contemporary Public Art
Speaker at International Conference EDGES -
International Meeting of Art and Science Groups
UNESP (Brazil), EKA (Estonia), and UAM (Mexico); Presenting: “BIO-eˉlektron - creating a physical, visual, sonic, and haptic composition from bio-feedback”
International Meeting of Art and Science Groups
UNESP (Brazil), EKA (Estonia), and UAM (Mexico); Presenting: “BIO-eˉlektron - creating a physical, visual, sonic, and haptic composition from bio-feedback”
Speaker at Art of Research International Conference
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art (Helsinki, Finland); Art of Research VII: Authorship and Responsibility - Session 5. Joint Responsibilities; Chair: Anniina Suominen
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art (Helsinki, Finland); Art of Research VII: Authorship and Responsibility - Session 5. Joint Responsibilities; Chair: Anniina Suominen
Presenter at the event EKA Open Doors
Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, Estonia)
Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, Estonia)
Full Paper Publication in ISEA Conference ProceedingsISEA 2023 - SYMBIOSIS, 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, May 16-21, Paris
Title: "Bio Elektron - A Multisensory Approach to Augmenting Dance, Combining: Biosignals, Drawing, Sound and Electrical Feedback"; Authors: Nuno N. Correia, Debora Souza, Inês Nêves, Jaime Lobato, DOI: 10.69564/ISEA2023-49-full-Correia-et-al-Bio-Elektron
Title: "Bio Elektron - A Multisensory Approach to Augmenting Dance, Combining: Biosignals, Drawing, Sound and Electrical Feedback"; Authors: Nuno N. Correia, Debora Souza, Inês Nêves, Jaime Lobato, DOI: 10.69564/ISEA2023-49-full-Correia-et-al-Bio-Elektron
Publication in the independent magazine FoMe XI
Redaction and Editing of the article “Empty Room: The expansion of an intimate sphere”
Redaction and Editing of the article “Empty Room: The expansion of an intimate sphere”
Full Paper Publication in Research in Arts and Education Journal
February Issue, SPECIAL ISSUE on Art of Research VII: Authorship and Responsibility
Title: "Creative exchange through joint responsibility: designing performances in multidisciplinary teams in the educational context"; Authors: Inês Rodrigues Neves, Claudia Díaz Reyes, Ismini Pacchi, Arife Dila Demir, Kristi Kuusk, DOI:
Title: "Creative exchange through joint responsibility: designing performances in multidisciplinary teams in the educational context"; Authors: Inês Rodrigues Neves, Claudia Díaz Reyes, Ismini Pacchi, Arife Dila Demir, Kristi Kuusk, DOI:
Winner of Young Creator’s National Showcase’s Painting PrizePromoted by the National Institute of Sports and Youth and Gerador Association (Portugal)
Winner of “Quero Estudar Melhor” merit scholarshipPromoted by Expresso Newspaper and Prebuild (Portugal)
Initiation to Interpretation Course
Porto’s University Theatre (TUP)
Porto’s University Theatre (TUP)
2022 > 2023
Participant in Das Haus LAB#5
Experimental and free concept online group to encourage and support international multidisciplinary professionals on their career development and ongoing projects
Experimental and free concept online group to encourage and support international multidisciplinary professionals on their career development and ongoing projects
> 2021
> 2021
Masters Degree in Design & Crafts: Textile Art and Design
Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, Estonia) / winner of Result-Based Scholarship (2019 and 2020) / graduated with A Cum Laude
Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, Estonia) / winner of Result-Based Scholarship (2019 and 2020) / graduated with A Cum Laude
Course in Contemporary Art Markets: a Historical, Analytic and Utilitarian Perspective
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2013 > 2017
Bachelors Degree in Communication DesignFaculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal) / winner of merit scholarship Quero Estudar Melhor
Erasmus+ program in Graphic Design
St.Joost School of Art & Design ('s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands)
St.Joost School of Art & Design ('s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands)